Depression can be deeply painful, robbing individuals of energy, interest, motivation, and hope. It creates a profoundly negative view of life, self, and one’s future and typically disrupts sleep pattern, appetite, emotions, and thinking ability.
Clinically, depression is one of the mood disorders, of which there are several different types. It is more than feeling “blue” or being “disappointed’, or a passing period of sadness. Everyone’s experience of depression is unique, so as a result, it can be hard to diagnose on your own. It is always best to consult with a health professional. Depression is not a sign of weakness or personal flaw. More than 15% of all adults will experience depression at some time in their lives.
The cause of depression is most often the result of multiple factors interacting with each other at the same time. It is not a single illness; it has a variety of forms and a multitude of causes.
The good news is that the vast majority of people get better. There are answers and effective strategies that you can learn in order to get through depression, learn from it, and recreate your wellness.
Counselling starts with an assessment of your symptoms and life challenges so that you and your therapist can understand the nature of your depression and the factors contributing to it.
Scott utilizes a CBT - Cognitive Behavior Therapy - model called Your Depression Map developed by Dr Randy Paterson ( The “map” creates a comprehensive picture explaining your unique experience, in terms of how your personal history, biology, thoughts, emotions, behavior, social life, life situation, and meanings, all interact to create depression. The map then becomes a tool used to figure out and the most effective strategies for your wellness plan.
Creating Wellness
As you slowly but surely, day by day, take small actions according to your wellness plan, you regain healthy control over thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and reclaim a sense of influence over your life style and situation. This takes determination, which can be very hard to find when depressed. Coaching from a counsellor is helpful in assisting you to refocus, set small daily goals, celebrate your successes, and learn new behavioral and thinking skills. The good news is that once you have acquired these skills you have them for life, and significantly reduce the likelihood of a relapse. Using medication for treating depression is common these days; however, research suggests that medication on its own is often not enough and that daily self care and action, combined with some form of CBT is highly effective. Group CBT has been found to be very helpful as it breaks the pattern of social isolation and provides a community experience where individuals share encouragements and learn from each other’s successes.
Don’t wait for things to get better, they often don’t. Call today. Start your journey to wellness.
Adapted from the Antidepressant Skills Workbook available at and from Your Depression Map by Dr Randy Paterson
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